I'm searching for a trip partner to Vietnam
(1. 12. - 1. 3. 19)

South East Asia

1. 12. - 1. 3. 2019 (91 day trip)

VN flag Vietnam MY flag Malaysia KH flag Cambodia LK flag Sri Lanka TH flag Thailand ID flag Indonesia SG flag Singapore

So I want to take about 3 months off work at the end of this year and hope to cram as many countries into the trip as possible.

Split costs: Yes

Budget: $2000 +

Type of journey: Backpacking, City break, Beach

Looking for: Any

Meeting before trip: Skype

Languages: English

Accommodation: Hotels, Homestay, Hostels

Getting around: Boat, Bus

First visit: No

Work & Travel: No

Itinerary: Flexible


Things I want to do: Boat trips, Island hopping, sleeper trains, waterfalls, animal rescue parks, full moon parties, beaches, temples and trying every local beer ✌

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i am planning for vietnam ( ho chi minh) and thailand ( bangkok) from 22 jan 2019 to 31 jan 2019.... i have already done my hotel bookings.... you can join me, share room and explore places and people..


Going to be in Thailand (Bangkok, Krabi ) from 18th Jan 2019 to the 28th Jan 2019. I love the local beer part of your post so I'm just writing in to express my interest towards the same. If our dates coincide, maybe we could grab a couple beers together. If not, I wish you a happy and safe vacation. Let me know! Cheers.


Hi i should be around a few of them places then if you wanna meet up,cheers


Hi i should be around a few of them places then if you wanna meet up,cheers


Hi !! I’m Sara form Spain. I gonna to be traveling 26-11-2018 to 28/02/2019. I want to visit Lao Camboya Vietnam Philippines and Indonesia but the route is open. If you want join together let me know. My budget is about 3000 euros for two months, airplane tickets not included. Thank you [email protected]

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