I’m SurJ from India

I’m SurJ from India

Hi I'm a 29 year old male travelling to Thailand from 18 Jl December 2019 to 05th Jan 2020. I love the beaches, I could spend my whole life there. I'm looking to do a few dives and spend time exploring Ko Tao, No Phangan and No Samui. I may make it to the fool moon party too. Let me know if you're interested in meeting up. Cheers. If we don't connect again, here's wishing you pleasant travel experience. Be safe.

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English, Spanish

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Beach, scuba diving, beach, good food, beach, good beer, beach, good company. haha. I love the beach

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Travel style

Simple, easy going, budget, not too cheap but not very expensive either. I HATE five star hotels cos you can never experience the true culture of a city if you live in a five star hotel. (That's my own personal opinion, I respect everyone who has a different point of view)

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