Hi , My name is Courviosier but most would call me Jae . I grew up in the small town of Atmore , Alabama I’ve always grew up on the move with my family seeing that my Mother and Father were basically what you would call professional backpackers and traveled from the time I was born till my 8th grade year in school . Since then I’ve graduated high school , I’m 21 now and have now began to travel on my own to see where the wonders and mysteries of this great world shall take me . I am a very friendly, very unshy person I’m not afraid to go out and meet new people. I’ve traveled to many places and met various people of different cultures when I was younger , I’m very helpful and generous I really don’t bound myself around the dollar bill but I do know the concept of society and how to make money. Im a creative photographer and i now do vlogs on YouTube ( DYNAMITExVLOGS ) about my journeys and my life , and I have a photography page on Facebook ( 37th Films Photography ) . I’m fairly new to the trip giraffe community, but “you can’t be an adventurer if you’re afraid to try new things” aye .
United States
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hiking, camping, backpacking, exploring, food, photography, travel groups, roadtrips, beaches, mountains, nature, cave diving, videotagraphy, meeting new people,
Travel style
Backpacking & Roadtrips. Using Local Campgrounds ,Couchsurfing & cheaper hostiles.
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