I’m Destanee Bartlett from the United States

I’m Destanee Bartlett from the United States

Hello, so I am currently 22, and I come from a very large family. I love traveling and keeping excitement up. If I'm stuck on one thing for far too long, I get bored, so I always have something planned. I can't say I'm loud or quiet as I can be both. I believe I'm pretty easy to get on well with, I usually work with children, but am currently taking care of someone and am working in the health field.

About me


United States



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Coachella 2025

17. 4. - 21. 4. 2025 (5)

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United States

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Travel, shopping, reading, writing, and music.

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Travel style

Outgoing, out and about. Do everything possible in the allotted time frame, I can be tired when I return home.

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