I’m Long Hin Timotheus Mui from Australia

I’m Long Hin Timotheus Mui from Australia
Long Hin Timotheus Mui, 39

Usually travels solo but sometimes would like to travel with a companion. Love self-drive trips with the freedom, flexibility and mobility. Loves new experiences. Nature lover. Interested in archaeological sites and ancient monuments. Eats just about anything. Introverted and not afraid of dead air, a good listener at the same time. Pretty organized and likes to have things well-planned yet leave room for flexibility on the spot to seize the moments. Could camp and sleep in a car to cut travel costs, but would not mind having a roof.

About me




Hong Kong

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Chinese (Mandarin), English

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Hiking, history and archaeology, coin collecting, whistling, football, travelling, cycling, swimming, kayaking

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Travel style

Road trips, hiking trips. Well planned but leaving room for flexibility and last minute changes on the spot. Usually solo but appreciate companionship. Travel in depth. Loves to make good use of the limited time to experience the place.

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