I’m Evelina Cervena from the Czech Rep.

I’m Evelina Cervena from the Czech Rep.

My name is Evelína, and I'm a passionate bookworm ?, wanderlust enthusiast ✈️, appreciator of movies and TV shows and lover of theater and opera

About me


Czech Rep.


Nove Mesto nad Metuji

Relationship status:



Czech, English, Italian

Summer adventure: Let's Choose Destination & dates

1. 7. - 31. 8. 2024 (62)

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Belgium, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, United Kingdom, Croatia, Hungary, Portugal, Poland, Estonia, Italy, Spain, Montenegro, France, Finland, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, Cyprus, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Iceland, Austria, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino

Have a look at which countries is this traveler GOING TO/INTERESTED IN or has already VISITED
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Travel style

I'm interested in visiting galleries, museums, nature, and historical monuments rather than partying. If you're on the same page, let's connect!

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