I’m Renata from the United States

I’m Renata from the United States

I recently completed a road trip across the US in an RV for months, without a set destination, timeline or schedule. It was incredible, and it's now hard for me to be stationary. I feel life is dynamic and I can't see myself sitting in one place for long! I'm looking for a travel buddy who's easy going, open minded, obviously adventurous, free-spirited, who's eager to explore the new with me.

About me


United States



Relationship status:



English, Portuguese

Morocco, Turkey, Greece, UK, Italy are some ideas


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United Kingdom, Croatia, Italy, Morocco, Turkey, Ireland


Morocco, Turkey, Greece, UK, Italy are some ideas


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United Kingdom, Croatia, Italy, Morocco, Turkey, Ireland


Morocco, Turkey, Greece, UK, Italy are some ideas


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United Kingdom, Croatia, Italy, Morocco, Turkey, Ireland

Have a look at which countries is this traveler GOING TO/INTERESTED IN or has already VISITED
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Pilates, yoga, meditation, massages, mantras, dancing, live music, swimming, eating, trying new things.

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Travel style

I won't sleep out in the wilderness as I'm scared of bugs, haha, but I'm not the resort type of person either. I like to be with the locals, I'm ok with simple accomodations, but it's gotta be really clean, as I'm a bit ocd in regards to that.

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