I’m Lana rhoades from the United States

I’m Lana rhoades from the United States

If you need a breath of fresh air, let us get acquainted. I am a young, always smiling, energetic, enthusiastic woman, what else would you desire? So, let me say some more words about myself. I study economics and, in the future, I plan to use my knowledge in starting my own business. I finished art school, so I want and I will combine my future with fashion, hopefully designing clothes and accessories. Yes, I want to make our women even more beautiful and trendy. I have to admit that I have some bad habits too, I am not a fluffy kitten. For example, I can be lazy in the mornings, but having the right person close to me will change this situation, I hope.

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United States



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I already mentioned my art interests, and together with this, I finished the musical school. Yes, I can sing very well, and not even in karaoke with friends. I try myself as a model too. One would say that every second lady in Ukraine is a model, but for me it is a hobby. If I can use my appearance for a good project and have the possibility to travel, then why not? I have already been in many European countries, so I am not afraid to leave Ukraine, when needed. I like trying myself in new things every day. One day I will be an expert in cooking too, as I am mastering my skills every time I have some free minute.

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