I’m Rose from the United States

I’m Rose from the United States

I am down to earth, confident, intelligent and independent, with a very nurturing side. I am loyal to friends and consider myself to be truly blessed to have such wonderful people in my life. I love to travel and meet new people, yet cherish my time at home. Just ask if there is something that you will like to know about me.

About me


United States



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San Francisco, California, United States

4. 2. - 17. 2. 2019 (14)

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United States


San Francisco, California, United States

26. 11. - 6. 1. 2019 (42)

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United States


San Francisco, California, United States

4. 2. - 17. 2. 2019 (14)

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United States


San Francisco, California, United States

26. 11. - 6. 1. 2019 (42)

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United States

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I would like to meet someone positive...that enjoys the outdoors, taking care of themselves and others. Someone who works hard at his job and enjoys life! I am a professional woman who can be highly effective at work and exceptionally good at what I do...looking to find a match with someone who works hard and is also wanting to have fun with well deserved free time!

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