I’m Johnathan from the United States

I’m Johnathan from the United States
About me


United States



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Bangkok, Angkor Wat, Hanoi

15. 11. - 10. 12. 2019 (26)

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Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand

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Travel style

Very open to travel, done and lived it all. From the bush, camping, hostels, hotels and luxury. Was an exchange student in high school, in the Peace Corps; so I have lived abroad several times and traveled the world. I like diverse travel experiences and not the typical tourist themes. That is okay once in awhile, but see myself more as a traveler and not a tourist. Love international travel and it is hard to find open people that are adventurous and willing to try different things. I get tired of traveling alone, sometimes it is hard to get motivated. It is always so much more memorable when sharing the experience with a friend. I find the approach to travel like finding a balance in Life!

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