I’m Deanna from the United States

I’m Deanna from the United States

I live in the beautiful Inland Northwest, and enjoy spending time with my children and grandchildren. I have a lot of interests, including hiking, sightseeing, learning Spanish (although I speak very little), quilting, and traveling. I prefer simple trips over luxury vacations; I make plans, but I am also flexible as my interests change. I view life as an adventure, find joy in new experiences, and am looking for friends and travel companions who are positive and resilient.

About me


United States


Spokane, WA

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Hiking, Snowshoeing, Culture, Food, Sightseeing, History

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Travel style

I enjoy short trips to local sites, and longer trips in international locations. For example, I want to spend a few days snowshoeing at Schweitzer Mountain, but I also want to spend two weeks traveling in Costa Rica. I like to travel light and economically.

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