I’m victoria from the United States

I’m victoria from the United States

A kind person who loves life as it is, I choose a positive outlook on things, I love laughter and I believe in the signs of fate. I have a good sense of humor, easy character, I can and love not only to hear, but also to listen. I appreciate sincerity, fidelity and kindness in people.

My search is simple, I still hope that I will meet a like-minded, smart, original man who will be faithful to the relationship and will want to develop these relationships together

this is my Google chat address leevora01@gmail.com

About me


United States


North Carolina

Relationship status:




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I have original hobbies such as making toys out of wool, growing flowers of various kinds. I am a fan of long walks, I like to take photos and I love to draw, especially when it comes to nature and landscape. I love hiking, rafting on the river add me on google chat leevora01@gmail.com

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