I’m Sophie Barnes from the United Kingdom

I’m Sophie Barnes from the United Kingdom


I am looking to embark on a few trips over the next year with the 1st one in Bali possibly. I have never been to SE Asia and was looking to join a solo holiday company but I thought I would try Giraffe too to get some ideas from others who have some gumption to go wanderlust alone too.

Tips and ideas are also so very welcome.

This is my first solo trip and I'm trying to find my feet about the best way to do this.

I have decided to do this after having a lot of changes in my life and would like to start my next steps with an experience far away with like minded person/people

About me


United Kingdom



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Cooking, foodie, community, yoga, wilderness, groups of people, music, laughter, reading, art.

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Travel style

Moderate pace, hiking, new people, culture, Boho, music, spiritual, sun, safe place

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