I’m Pamela from the United States

I’m Pamela from the United States

Hi! I'm on this site to find travel partners, but also to just meet new people, especially those who have similar lifestyles. I'm a high school teacher with quite a bit of freedom and not many friends who share the opportunity to travel. Personality-wise, I'm an unserious person; my default is joy and humor. I'm very introverted and need solo time to be a whole person, but I thoroughly enjoy my time with others.

About me


United States



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English, Spanish

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Travel style

I've never felt compelled to necessarily "see all the sights". When I travel, I prefer to enjoy just being. That could mean enjoying meals, meandering, wandering - anything unrushed and unexpected. I'm also interested in a good mix of solo/together time if I travel with a partner!

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