I’m Skywalker from the United States

I’m Skywalker from the United States

Hi! Im Tony a brainy 60-something retired seeking an adventurous Female between 43 and 55 to keep me on my toes. No drama. Just kisses, laughs, deep discussions, and the occasional wrestling match on the living room floor.

About me


United States


San Diego

Relationship status:



English, Portuguese, Quechua

Visiting the 7 wonders of the world.

15. 6. - 5. 7. 2023 (21)

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Brazil, Peru, Mexico

Have a look at which countries is this traveler GOING TO/INTERESTED IN or has already VISITED
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I am looking for an equally positive 4x4 Gal, partner who loves to try new experiences and is a great and open communicator. I've been bitten by the travel bug hard and have spent the last few months making my way around Dubai, & Qatar now my plan is visiting (The 7 wonders of the World) 1Chichen-Itza-Mexico,2Machu Picchu-Peru, 3Christ the Redeemer statue-Brasil,4Great Wall-China,5Petra-Jordan,6Taj Mahal-India,Delhi,7Colisseum-Italy,Rome. I'd feel most at home when visiting Spain, I'm exploring different places and immersing myself in the rich culture and history of other countries as well..

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Travel style

I'm a frequent traveler, but not in the spontaneous sort of way. I love to plan my trips and go out on mini-adventures once I feel comfortable there. You can say I'm an organized free spirit. I love to eat, music, dance, learn new customs and try out new food, immerse myself in the beautiful culture of other places, and meet locals. Long walks on the beach are nice and all, but I want a fun nerdy gal who can beat me at chess in a coffee shop on a rainy Sunday afternoon.I'm excited to meet you so we can plan our next adventure together!

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