I’m Fatima from Canada

I’m Fatima from Canada

Hey guys, I am a University student with passion for travelling the world. I am looking for someone to join me on my upcoming euro backpacking trip. I am hoping to find someone who loves to explore new places, loved beaches, likes to have fun but also likes history and sightseeing. I am flexible and down for whatever. I prefer travelling on budget.

About me





Relationship status:

In a Relationship


English, Slovak

Europe Backpacking Trip

11. 7. - 25. 8. 2018 (46)

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Greece, Hungary, Italy, Spain, France, Switzerland, Czech Rep., Slovakia, Germany, Turkey, Iceland


Europe Backpacking Trip

11. 7. - 25. 8. 2018 (46)

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Greece, Hungary, Italy, Spain, France, Switzerland, Czech Rep., Slovakia, Germany, Turkey, Iceland


Europe Backpacking Trip

11. 7. - 25. 8. 2018 (46)

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Greece, Hungary, Italy, Spain, France, Switzerland, Czech Rep., Slovakia, Germany, Turkey, Iceland

Have a look at which countries is this traveler GOING TO/INTERESTED IN or has already VISITED
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Swimming, sightseeing, reading, history, politics, dancing, partying

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Travel style

Anything goes, backpacking

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