I’m Mario from Australia

I’m Mario from Australia

Just the average bloke, I suppose. Easy going. You can ask me what you need to know.
I have just logged on to the system to check messages. There are some there but unfortunately I can't read them for some reason. Don't know if it's a problem with my computer or this system. The time is approaching to leave for this trip, however if I can't find anyone to go with me, I will be cancelling it. From past experience, it gets too lonely to do it on my own. If I get any replies soon, I can arrange to leave in the next couple of weeks. Hope to hear from you soon.
Due to not having received any valid replies from anyone to join me on this trip, I will regretfully have to cancel it for this year. I will leave this add on here for now and I will try to plan it again for next year (2024). This will allow you 12 months to think about, hopefully I will find someone by then.

About me





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English, Italian

Road Trip to Northern Australia

1. 11. - 31. 12. 2025 (61)

AU flag icon



Road Trip to Northern Australia

1. 11. - 31. 12. 2025 (61)

AU flag icon



Road Trip to Northern Australia

1. 11. - 31. 12. 2025 (61)

AU flag icon


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Travel, plus many others, but little time to indulge in them.

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Travel style

I decide on the destination and time frame and then design the trip to suit with many changes along the way. I have the bad habit of taking many detours to explore out of the way places which cuts into the time frame I allowed.

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