I’m Fedialine from the United States

I’m Fedialine from the United States

Hi my name is Fedialine desir and I love to travel. I love to create a group of like minded travelers and plan a trip together. I love to travel to exotic outdoor destinations. I love to hike, kayak, horseback riding, swimming in clear lake with fishes, having a bon fire party and many more. I love to create a travel group that spend time having fun like a kid again.I do use my own website to plan the trip. I take care of everything. contact me at +1(609)804-7855

About me


United States



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English, French, Spanish

Hill country state park adventure


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United States


Florida outdoor adventures


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United States


Arizona Havasu fall


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United States

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Hi my name is Fedialine and I love to travel. I like to great groups of like minded Travelers and travel to different destinations. I love to go to exotic places and exploring. I love hiking, backpacking, kayaking, horseback riding, exploring and getting to know cultures, having bon fire parties, swimming in beautiful lakes full of fish, diving, scavenger hunting, ATV riding, paragliding, hot air ballooning and many more. The list are endless. I love to create trips where we can connect and do fun stuff together besides our adventures. I like to have fun cookouts where everyone cook their cultural food. I also like to show others how to cook Caribbean food. I like having fun when we’re together. I love playing games that are fun for everyone. My next trip is to hill country state texas on some cool adventures which is already planned. If you are interested, click the link to see my trip. https://www.joinmytrip.com/en/trips/hill-country-state-park-united-states-l3Ev

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Travel style

Exotic outdoor places, kayaking, hiking, bonfire party, horseback riding, cookouts, game playing, scavenger hunt, ziplining, hot air balloon, paragliding, trying local food and culture, ATV riding and many more

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