I’m Tim from the United States

I’m Tim from the United States

I'm an upbeat, outgoing, people person but can be reserved. I look and act younger than my age. I can be easy going - go with the flow type of person especially with like minded persons, but I'm also willing to take charge if needed. I’m best when traveling with critical dates, events and locations defined. I don't judge and I get along with people of most ages. I have traveled mostly around the USA, a little in Europe and northern parts of Mexico. I’m looking to spend a larger amount of time in and around the rest of Mexico, especially in Expat retirement locations. Open to traveling with almost any like minded person. Currently in a relationship, but we both have different travel styles, mine is more casual and for longer durations. I am a low to no drama personality type.

About me


United States



Relationship status:




Retirement Expat Locations


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Reviewing Expat locations for possible relocation.

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Travel style

Loose Schedule with critical events/times defined and having ample time to get a good feel of locations.

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