I’m Tracy from the United States

I’m Tracy from the United States

I've been a widow for over 12 years, I'm really shy, but once I get to know you and I'm more comfortable, you probably would think I'm shy at all (and I can make you laugh), I'm honest, very independent, I love to help others, have a huge heart and drama free (don't care for it at all).

About me


United States


Mountain Home

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I absolutely love God, my family, being outside: Hiking/camping/fishing (yes I have my own pole and tackle, taught my oldest Grandson to fish), yard work, walking, bicycle riding, road trips/travel, love to go to the mountains whenever possible and listen to nature and the breeze in the pine trees...so peaceful. I try to keep fit/active and eat healthy too. I have a bucket list of places I want to travel to. Loads of things to see, people and places to learn about.

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Travel style

Not really sure about this one yet.....will fill in later.

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