I’m Adrian from Germany

I’m Adrian from Germany

Hi! I'm Adrian, 22 years old and in search of a travel buddy. I was born in Spain and moved to Germany at the age of 16, I made an apprenticeship at an hotel for 3 years, now I'm a "hotel industry expert".

Since I was little I've always been traveling, I'm really thankful for those experiences already but.. I need to see much much more about what this beautiful world has to offer.
Learning from new cultures and people is an extraordinary feat that almost anyone can accomplish if they really want to.

About me





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English, German, Spanish

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Music, outdoors, instruments, philosophy, psychology, Hiking, sport, communication with new people, etc..

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Travel style

My travel style is about living the real deal, saying that you visited Cuba in a 5 star hotel, isn't traveling, it's a vacation... Travel is about getting to know people and having to put trust in total "strangers" sometimes, it's about hitting the road and letting yourself go to the direction that you most desire. It's about living with families that grew up there and helping them out with whatever they may need, of course in exchange for some hospitality. Traveling is different in everyone's eyes, depends on their point of view, for me it's about using the time I've been given to live on Earth in the best possible way, explore everything, making dreams come true. I'm easy-going, I can also travel with little money

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