I’m Evangeline from the United States

I’m Evangeline from the United States

Working professional in my mid 20s. Enjoy the outdoors and reading/painting. I have a cute dog that I take with me pretty much everywhere.

About me


United States


New York

Relationship status:




NYC to the Adirondacks!

16. 10. - 18. 10. 2020 (3)

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United States


NYC to the Adirondacks!

16. 10. - 18. 10. 2020 (3)

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United States


NYC to the Adirondacks!

16. 10. - 18. 10. 2020 (3)

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United States

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Hiking, traveling, national parks, cities, skiing (though I’m terrible at it), surfing (still learning), photography

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Travel style

Primarily prefer road trips these days. I like to have a general plan/guideline for the trip and leave enough room for flexibility. Prefer Airbnb over hotels. Can prep meals and like to go to local spots when in the cities. Usually I do pretty low-mid budget trips with a focus on maximizing the value of experiences and quality of details.

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