I’m David from the United States

I’m David from the United States

Hi. I'm tired of the cold and rain in Seattle. Everything you have probably heard is very close to the truth. Its ugly here at LEAST 8 months a year, on average. We have had a couple really nice long summers, about 5 months, but that's been in my entire life lol. I was in an extremely bad motorcycle accident about 20 years ago and my quality of life has been on a downhill slope ever since. The past few years have been unbearable. Hence, time for south in the winter, and Seattle in the summer. I'm extremely open on where to go south, so if you know a place that has warm winters, let's go =). I am buying a motorhome later this week, and I will be towing a vehicle behind to use as a daily driver. So, if you would like to join me in any capacity, like for the ride south, or stay a week, month, or entire trip ... message me so we can make a plan. I want to leave before October comes, so let's meet, see if were compatible, and get out of here lol.

About me


United States



Relationship status:




Chasing the sun (no more rain) Motorhome and car


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United States


Motorhome travel for Southern US sun =)


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United States

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Nature, movies, chilling, new sights, photography, swimming, animal lover, reading, gaming, collectibles, gemstones, and a ton more.

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Travel style

By motorhome. To be able to go anywhere at anytime. Read online about something somewhere, and just go =). Just imagine, no stress or hustle bustle at all. To do what you want, where you want, anytime you want. Doesnt that sound great =)

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