I’m Mia from the United States

I’m Mia from the United States

I’m from Iowa, I am married I don’t have a career path right now looking to travel a little bit more before I figure that all out. No kids, I’m 22.

About me


United States


Quad cities

Relationship status:

In a Relationship



1 month trip - 2 weeks where ever

16. 6. - 16. 6. 2020 (1)

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Italy, Switzerland, Sweden, Iceland, Australia, Austria, Ireland, Indonesia


1 month trip - 2 weeks where ever

16. 6. - 16. 6. 2020 (1)

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Italy, Switzerland, Sweden, Iceland, Australia, Austria, Ireland, Indonesia


1 month trip - 2 weeks where ever

16. 6. - 16. 6. 2020 (1)

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Italy, Switzerland, Sweden, Iceland, Australia, Austria, Ireland, Indonesia

Have a look at which countries is this traveler GOING TO/INTERESTED IN or has already VISITED
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I’m interested in going all over the world I would just like to do it with someone. I can ski, Ice skate, hike, bike, swim, raft, snorkeling. Things I haven’t done but would love to try surf, bungee jump, dive deep in the ocean, sky dive.

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Travel style

I’m very open to backpacking, camping and staying hotels. I’m open to any travel style and its just got to be reasonable.

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