I’m Emily from the United States

I’m Emily from the United States

Hey! My name is Emily and I’m planning a HUGE trip across Europe, Southeast Asia, and Australia! I have never traveled by my self so I’m looking for people that I can travel with and meet along the way!

About me


United States



Relationship status:

In a Relationship



Let’s fucking travel

1. 5. - 31. 8. 2021 (123)

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Greece, United Kingdom, Portugal, Egypt, Italy, Spain, France, Finland, Fiji, Netherlands, New Zealand, Switzerland, Denmark, Germany, Thailand, Iceland, Australia, India, Indonesia, Maldives

Have a look at which countries is this traveler GOING TO/INTERESTED IN or has already VISITED
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I love being outdoors, hiking, shopping, and definitely going out and having a good time!!

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Travel style

Anything/everything I want to see as much as I can with the time I have!

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