I’m Paul from the United States

I’m Paul from the United States

Recently retired, looking to travel once or twice a year. Oddly balanced personality...right and left brained, introvert and extrovert. I like to plan, but then be flexible. I love to share experiences but then have alone or quiet time. I enjoy both the familiar and "well hell, that was different."

I have a broad sense of humor from dad jokes too slow burns. I have never understood potty humor. I love to share stories. I am spiritual and a Universalist. Just don't question my belief in the healing properties of dark chocolate.

I'm easy going unless you're not, which kinda makes sense. I'm a zero drama person, life's too short. On the other hand, allergies to gluten and dairy means I'm a pain to be with when ordering at restaurants.

Smoking, recreational drugs, and poor hygiene are areas where I am inflexible. On the other hand, and call me a hypocrite, I enjoy drinking in moderation, especially wine, beer, and whiskies.

Oh, I'm 6'6" tall, which means I'm good at spotting good seating in a crowd.

About me


United States



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I love a mix of being out in nature, sightseeing, taking in the arts, soaking in atmosphere, and being lazy in between. Love to hike/backpack and camp as well. I like a mix of city (especially if old), countryside, mountains, and beach. If you couldn't tell, I believe passionately in the Oxford comma. I'm rusty, but I like to scuba and downhill ski (sorry, no black slopes for me.) For one trip a year I'm interested in Europe, especially Italy but really the list is long. The other annual trip would be U.S. or Canada. Canadian Rockies by train?

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Travel style

Not really sure what to put here. Not hostels, not The Ritz. Though I do admit I prefer to spend on experiences and good food, not accommodations. I tend to plan ahead (places to stay, major reserved attractions, etc.) but leave time for lots of spontaneity. Do not like speed/cram vacations, I look for a moderate pace. Twelve countries in three days isn't for me. I like to go off the beaten path to taste the non-tourist trodden experiences. At the same time, I don't do stupid dangerous things. (I have in the past, what was I thinking!?) Packing style? So if Hawaii, I travel super light except for snorkeling/ scuba gear if going to Kauai (never been) and want to backpack/camp. If Europe, fuller bag to allow for cultural events, weather, etc. I work hard not to overpack. My goal is a single large travel backpack for short to medium length trips. I have tried over and over to learn a foreign language to no avail. I'm trying Italian now since I love Italy and it's the most likely country I'll repeat. So, I'll be using Google translator until I have a miraculous breakthrough in learning. Hmmm, if I can think of what else to put here, I'll add it later.

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