I’m Teole from Australia

I’m Teole from Australia

Heyo! I’m a friendly, energetic and bubbly person. I have a strong passion for music and dancing so music festivals are my absolute fave thing. I have a great sense of humour and laugh at everything. I love animals and adventures. Hiking, camping, swimming, night clubbing, visiting zoos and theme parks (no theme park ride is ever too scary for me I will go on them all!) dancing, shopping, bike rides are just a start of things I love to do. Back in Australia I work as a dental assistant but want to travel and make as ma by experiences as I can whilst I’m young and free to do so.

About me





Relationship status:




America and Coachella

2. 4. - 8. 5. 2020 (37)

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United States


America and Coachella

2. 4. - 8. 5. 2020 (37)

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United States


America and Coachella

2. 4. - 8. 5. 2020 (37)

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United States

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Singing, dancing, music!, music festivals, dogs and all animals except snakes I am petrified of them. Bike riding, hiking, camping, road tripping, swimming, sun baking, shopping, exploring, eating!, making friends, night clubbing, theme parks, comedy shows, parties, card games, drinking and many more interests but that’s just to name a few.

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Travel style

I like to be organised and make sure that I will be safe of course. But I do like adventures and thrill seeking once in a lifetimes experiences. I am very respectful of others and I have a thing where on a night out or something I never get blackout drunk I am always at a good party level but can still get myself out of an unsafe situation if I need to. I am very friendly and helpful. I am also very neat and tidy I don’t like mess.

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