I’m Sara from Austria

I’m Sara from Austria

Friendly, easygoing and flexible girl/woman. I smile a lot :D I dont get upset easily and I usually adapt to any kind of situation. Im calm but sometimes I also like to do crazy stuff :D

About me





Relationship status:

In a Relationship


English, German, Italian, Serbian, Spanish

cuba roundtrip

7. 1. - 28. 1. 2020 (22)

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I love Sports. I myself am a (Beach)Volleyballplayer. I am into Music, especially Reggaeton, Latino and Spanish Rock but also Indie and Alternative for the Chill Stuff. I like to Surf to Ski and I love to read books.

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Travel style

I am a very flexible traveler. When I travel to a country i like to move around a lot in order to get to see many things. I like to spend time with locals, stay in Airbnb, Couchsurfer or Hostels and eat cheap stuff or cook myself some pasta :D

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