I’m Roya from the United States

I’m Roya from the United States

I am currently studying to be an elementary school teacher...with some time off, I am looking to travel with a likeminded group of people, since I have a case of wanderlust. I hope to find people from anywhere in the world to travel with on my next adventure :)

About me


United States


Los Angeles

Relationship status:



English, Persian, Spanish

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Live music, exploring cafes/bars/restaurants, going to the beach, art museums, yoga...

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Travel style

I am a spontaneous traveler who loves to find my way around through exploration. I enjoy discovering different neighborhoods, trying local foods and meeting new people. While I always have a list of sights to see, I like to balance out sightseeing with relaxing and taking in the local culture. I consider myself easygoing yet adventurous and like to travel with likeminded people.

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