just a weird bag of stardust, prone to wanderlust
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English, Portuguese
Joana doesn't have any trip
psychology and self growth – always learning about emotional healing and why we do what we do // travel – it usually leads to unique, meaningful experiences. Open to spontaneous trips and deep cultural immersion // music – anything that makes me feel something. Please share your fave tunes with me (: // dark humor – George Carlin, South Park, just brutally honest comedy that makes you think // poetry, writing – helps me turn my emotions into something real // nature – love long walks and places that make you feel small in the best way // authenticity and depth – small talk is fine, but deep talks and raw honesty? That’s where the real connection happens :) I guess I'm fascinated by the things people don't usually say out loud :P
Travel style
I like to travel light and laid-back, focusing on soaking in the experience rather than rigid plans, exploring at my own pace, embracing spontaneity, and making room for meaningful moments along the way
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