I’m Jessica Froelich from the United States

I’m Jessica Froelich from the United States

we'll come back to that

About me


United States



Relationship status:

In a Relationship



Anywhere but FL or TX

8. 2. - 28. 2. 2026 (386)

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United States


Anywhere but FL or TX

8. 2. - 28. 2. 2026 (386)

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United States


Anywhere but FL or TX

8. 2. - 28. 2. 2026 (386)

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United States

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I have a wide range of things I enjoy. I am perfectly content with relaxing, cocktails, spa treatments. I like to fish, swim, boat, hike, canoe, horse ride etc as long as we do so casually and not in a rush. (I must stress this) But I put my foot down (or both XD ) when it comes to bicycles. I am happy to shop and dine, history, art, performances, festivals, or other light physical activities like snorkeling. Finally, I really love engaging in site specific activities (ie Salem has tarot readings, Dodge City re enactments of the shoot out etc. ) and hands on activities from experts like glass blowing, soldering, cheese making etc.

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Travel style

My favorite style is getting a mix of high activity at a slow pace. (Think about having plans through the day and relaxing in the evenings or vise versa) I am laid back and flexible if plans go amiss but I DO prefer to have a plan even if it doesn't pan out.

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