I’m Marilena from Greece

I’m Marilena from Greece

22 years on this planet, loving it and living it up to the fullest. If you spend time with me I can teach you how to study, work, travel, volunteer kinda at the same time. If you enjoy humor, I can promise you you are gonna love it...

About me





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English, French, Greek, Russian, Spanish

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I love reading literature and poetry because as Roald Dahl said, it gives a hopeful and comforting message: you are not alone. Traveling has always been a passion- I want to see every little piece of this amazing world and live it up to the fullest. When a friend tells me they got I new job, I think that's great news- for them. When I see a person with a backpack walking on the street though, gee... that's when I re-examine my own life.... Just kidding--- I enjoy camping with friends, support hitch-hiking as a way of traveling, I am generally opened to new adventures, sharing travel stories. You can read more about my attitude considering traveling above. I am really into art and interior design- modern art, body art, history of art, anything. I collect magazines and albums about photography, art, cinema and interiors and i am proud to say that I have a huge bookcase that is already full (you can take a look at the pictures in the album "Thessaloniki apartment"). I enjoy drawing - i am currently working on my art journals as a hobby, however I'd love to become a professional artist as well. Music is life. Beatles have written a song for every single moment, Stones, Kinks, The Who have proved that rock n' roll can save lives, no one can describe "panic in Detroid" better than David Bowie- there are times we all want to go "back to the blues" cause "it's the only way to gooooo" and others when "we are going back to black" just because "black is black". Then, there's also the white soul that gives peace to OUR soul, hard rock's wild rhythm to take us high, eric clapton to make us dream, 20's, 30's, 40's rockabilly to dance till we drop- living without music is not possible. I play the guitar a couple of years now, I am not composing music though- I'd also love to learn to play the drums. If half part of life consists of music, I suppose the other half includes dancing. I have been a ballet dancer for 12 years, I have joined seminars about contemporary dance and I am currently testing my skills in Lindy hop and rockabilly. Pole dance is also artistic, it is a very poetic act (although unfortunately many people mix it with striptease)- I' d love to try that at some point in my life as well. Furthermore, I am into volunteering. Most grown-ups would call this "unusual" which they also seem to translate into "exploitation of labor". Societal rules and expectations won't hold me down (sorry people!)- volunteering is an integral part of my life, it is the field where I can help on my own accord, let the energy flow, spread unlimited love. Finally, i love these little things that make life cozy and special even when nothing extraordinary actually happens; inspirational quotes and lyrics, colorful drinks, unusual beers and wines , interesting tattoo ideas, an attractive mess, theater performances, working on an art journal, walking on the beaches (looking at the peaches), alternative ways of living (whatever that means), unplanned roadtrips, comfy sweaters and pullovers, yoga and meditation, drawing mandalas, renovations, arts and crafts, doodling, cozy pillows, a cup of hot coffee (or tea) at home when outside it's raining cats and dogs, lovely Sunday mornings, biking in the city, spending a day at a vinyl shop, laughing with my best friend's vivid facial expressions, window shopping- these damn vintage ankle boots(!), reading a book before going to bed, admiring a lake house in the midwest or/and the architecture of a beautiful city, waking up with music, capturing odd moments with a camera... and of course, the events: a motor rally, concerts, beer festivals, tattoo festivals, live shows, gun shows, martial arts performances, rhythm and speed, yes, a lot of speed and friendship and a bohemian state of mind...

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Travel style

https://www.couchsurfing.com/people/marilena-saraidari hitchhiking, living in a tent, hiking, couchsurfing

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