I’m Rosa brown from Poland

I’m Rosa brown from Poland

I'm just a regular lady who is trying to get eternal life and who's waiting for Jesus to return. I'm not a materialistic individual or vain. I respect this world as I know it, realizing that I'm called to be a citizen in the kingdom to come. I'm not a religious individual or anything like that, I'm just trying to gain eterlal life. I don't go to church or anything like that, I just follow Christ. More about me text me on google chat : [email protected]

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I like to do all sorts of things, a few are spending time with that special someone when I find him...Outdoor activities such as,beach,camping,boating,scuba diving,shopping,traveling, working around the home,movies,fine dining,or just staying home and having some popcorn TV and snuggling on the couch

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