I’m Samih Hasan from Luxembourg

I’m Samih Hasan from Luxembourg

Love entrepreneurship - always looking for the next big idea to bring to life. When not working on cool projects, I'm probably off traveling, exploring new places, and meeting people.

About me




Luxembourg city

Relationship status:

In a Relationship


Arabic, English

unforgettable road trip through the Eastern Europe

1. 8. - 17. 8. 2025 (17)

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Bosnia and Herz., Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, Montenegro, Kosovo, Slovenia, Albania


unforgettable road trip through the Eastern Europe

1. 8. - 17. 8. 2025 (17)

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Bosnia and Herz., Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, Montenegro, Kosovo, Slovenia, Albania


unforgettable road trip through the Eastern Europe

1. 8. - 17. 8. 2025 (17)

BA flag icon

Bosnia and Herz., Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, Montenegro, Kosovo, Slovenia, Albania

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