I’m Dinis from the United States

I’m Dinis from the United States

I'm looking for excitement, for new adventures. Looking for a connection, and good chemistry mentally and physically. I find myself craving that spark of passion, a shared desire that seems to be forgotten in the current situation. I hope to find someone who shares common interests and enjoys spending time with each other. Life is short, enjoy it

About me


United States



Relationship status:




Life cannot always be the same


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France, Iceland, Maldives, Singapore

Have a look at which countries is this traveler GOING TO/INTERESTED IN or has already VISITED
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I like traveling, shopping, skiing, yoga, painting, reading, bubble bath, etc

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Travel style

I like to find small towns with a long history and culture, rent a homestay, wake up to the sound of birds singing every day, take a walk outside the town, talk to the old people enjoying the sunshine in the square, listen to their stories of youth, and feel happy

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