I’m Ivan from the United Arab Emirates

I’m Ivan from the United Arab Emirates

Hi there, Ivan here. I’ve been born and raised in Russia, but to this point I’ve spent most of my life away living in different parts of the world.
Currently I am based in Dubai, UAE. I’m looking to depart to Cape Town between the 15th and 20th of August.
If anyone is headed down there I’d be happy to collaborate.
My best wishes,

About me


United Arab Emirates



Relationship status:



English, Russian

Cape Town

15. 8. - 15. 9. 2024 (32)

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South Africa


Cape Town

15. 8. - 15. 9. 2024 (32)

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South Africa


Cape Town

15. 8. - 15. 9. 2024 (32)

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South Africa

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Fitness, reading, photography, hiking Architecture, hospitality and real estate.

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Travel style

I’m usually have quite hybrid travel style. I don’t like to sit still and prefer exploring and making my memories and connecting with others, but sometimes I have to take time for myself and my work.

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