I'm searching for a trip mate to Slovenia
(6. 9. - 4. 10. 21)

Roadtrip Europe

6. 9. - 4. 10. 2021 (29 day trip)

SI flag Slovenia

Me and my friend (male) want to roadtrip Europe. We haven't planned anything yet and are very flexible and open for everything. We like to have the trip semi planned but want to live day by day and have an flexible vacation. We are searching for nice people (1 or 2) who love to make some fun and see beautiful places to join us in our trip. Preferably Dutch speaking people. Or holiday is in September so that will be the time we're leaving. We have a 4 weeks break.

Split costs: Yes

Budget: $1000 - $1500

Type of journey: Backpacking

Looking for: Mixed group

Meeting before trip: In person

Languages: Dutch

Accommodation: Campside, Other

Getting around: Car

First visit: No

Work & Travel: No

Itinerary: Flexible


Places I want to see: for example, France, Italy, Croatia, Slovenia, We don't really care, just make a nice roadtrip.

Things I want to do: Make fun, have some drinks and do nice activities and looking for beautiful spots

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