I'm seeking a travel companion to Vietnam
(2. 8. - 3. 10. 19)

2nd time this year!

2. 8. - 3. 10. 2019 (63 day trip)

VN flag Vietnam LA flag Lao PDR

I visited SE Asia last fall and loved it. Especially Laos. Made a few friends I’d like to see again and want to see some places I didn’t get to last year so I’m going back. I’m starting in Ho Chi Minh August 02-08. Then Pakse/4000 islands Aug 08-14. Then Luang Prabang (the highlight of my last trip) Aug 14-24. I already have a 2 BR house booked for those 10 days in LP so free room then if you’re on a tight budget. have no set plan for Aug 25 to Oct 02, but I’d like to visit Sa Pa and I plan to spend the last 5-6 days in Hanoi. I promised a bar owner there I’d be back to drink with him for more than a few nights. I’ve been traveling almost nonstop since last August. If you want to get a better feel for my travel style I’ve documented a lot of this past year on FB. https://www.facebook.com/steve.brodsky.14 Look back to November/December for some highlights of my last trip to SE Asia.

Split costs: Yes

Budget: $2000 +

Type of journey: Backpacking, City break

Looking for: Any

Meeting before trip: None

Languages: English

Accommodation: Hotels, Homestay, Hostels

Getting around: Boat, Bus, Motorcycle, Plane, Train

First visit: No

Work & Travel: No

Itinerary: Flexible


Places I want to see: HCMC 4000 Islands Luang Prabang Sa Pa Hanoi Other places in northern Laos and N Vietnam Possibly Thailand or Cambodia as well if I meet a copacetic travel buddy who really wants to see either.

Things I want to do: Hiking, eating some of the world’s best food, kayaking, visiting friends I made last year, exploring new places and revisiting a couple of the best cocktail bars in the entire world.

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