Exploring Toronto and nearby spots.
28. 8. - 15. 9. 2019 (19 day trip)
Anybody willing to explore Toronto and nearby cities / spots including Niagara falls and Niagara-on-the-Lake etc during the International Film Festival which will happen in Toronto? I have a pre-paid Airbnb stay so you can save on that rest costs if any can be shared. I am flexible with the places to explore, you are welcome to suggest places of your interest and also, if anybody is doing road-trips in Canada, I am happy to join and share the costs.
Split costs: Yes
Budget: $1500 - $2000
Type of journey: Other
Looking for: Female
Meeting before trip: Skype
Languages: English
Accommodation: Homestay
Getting around: Other
First visit: Yes
Work & Travel: No
Itinerary: Flexible
Places I want to see: Flexible. Open to ideas.
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