I'm seeking a trip partner to Vietnam
(3. 6. - 30. 7. 17)

Chilled Trip Around Thailand

3. 6. - 30. 7. 2017 (58 day trip)

VN flag Vietnam KH flag Cambodia TH flag Thailand

Travelling around Thailand for a Month - Going to Hit Bangkok, The Fullmoon Party, Koh Toa, Koh Mak, Chang Mai and Pai. Then Vietnam Hanoi down the Mekong to Da Nang and then finish in ho chi minh. Then through cambodia back to BKK.

Split costs: Yes

Budget: $500 - $1000

Type of journey: Backpacking

Looking for: Male

Meeting before trip: None

Languages: English

Accommodation: Hostels

Getting around: Plane

First visit: No

Work & Travel: No

Itinerary: Flexible


Places I want to see: As much as possible but definitely the elephant sanctuary!

Things I want to do: Chill, see some culture and meet new people!

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