Holiday for fun!
19. 11. - 20. 1. 2025 (63 day trip)
Vietnam Malaysia Cambodia Thailand
Landing in Kuala Lumpur on 19th at 7.15am I would like to see a bit of Malaysia for 5 days or a week... then get train up through Tailand, maybe some Islands en route for 2 weeks. 2 weeks through Cambodia and 2 weeks in Vietnam Flying back to KL roughly 18th or 19th Jan. Leaving a little room for extension in each area.
Split costs: Yes
Budget: $500 - $1000
Type of journey: Backpacking, City break, Beach
Looking for: Any
Meeting before trip: Skype
Languages: English
Accommodation: Hotels, Couchsurfing, Homestay, Campside, Other, Hostels
Getting around: Bicycle, Boat, Bus, Hiking, Hitchhiking
First visit: Yes
Work & Travel: Yes
Itinerary: None
Places I want to see: Wherever feels fun Usual beaches mountains culture and ancient things!
Things I want to do: All of the things Divibg surfing hiking chillin
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