I'm looking for a travel companion to Japan
(1. 12. - 31. 12. 24)

Malaysia, Indoenesia or Japan? Join me (15 days)

1. 12. - 31. 12. 2024 (31 day trip)

JP flag Japan MY flag Malaysia ID flag Indonesia

Im planning another trip asia later this year. I havent booked flights yet, so im flexible with the destination. I like to experience culture, nature and people. Also im a foodie that wants to try all the local food. I also enjoy scuba diving and snorkeling. If you are interested send me a message on Instagram: @niklasund

Split costs: Yes

Budget: $1000 - $1500

Type of journey: Backpacking, City break, Beach

Looking for: Male

Meeting before trip: None

Languages: English, German

Accommodation: Hotels, Homestay, Hostels

Getting around: Boat, Bus, Car, Motorcycle, Plane, Train

First visit: Yes

Work & Travel: No

Itinerary: Flexible


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