Büyük Türkiye Turu/Big Turkey Tour
TR : ilk olarak Türk biri veya birkaç kişi ile Türkiyeyi gezmek hatta çalışmak ve eğer uyumluysak kazandığımız paralar ile yurt dışında Dünya turuna başlamak ve orada da çalışarak o para ile gezmek istiyorum .Eğer bana katılmak istersen bana mesaj atman yeterli benim instagram hesabım (sssennnnaa) EN : I want to travel and even work in Turkey and if we are compatible, I want to start a world tour abroad with the money we earn and work there and travel with that money. If you want to join me, just send me a message on my Instagram account (sssennnnaa).
Split costs: Yes
Budget: $500 - $1000
Type of journey: Backpacking, City break, Beach, Other
Looking for: Any
Meeting before trip: Skype
Languages: English, Turkish
Accommodation: Hotels, Couchsurfing, Homestay, Campside, Other, Hostels
Getting around: Bicycle, Bus, Car, Cruise, Hiking, Hitchhiking, Motorcycle, Plane, Train, Other
First visit: Yes
Work & Travel: No
Itinerary: Flexible
Places I want to see: HER YER/ EVERYWHERE :)
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