I'm looking for a trip mate to India
(3. 5. - 6. 5. 24)

u ’ll never find a rainbow if you’re looking down

3. 5. - 6. 5. 2024 (4 day trip)

IN flag India

I am planning these locations with google search..This is my 1st trip.. If anyone have sugestions please text here..I need to recover from something already happened to me in past.. Payment its should be around INR 12K for 1 person.. Reach after pondichery.. If cost more than I mentioned i will take responsibility

Split costs: Yes

Budget: $150 - $500

Type of journey: City break

Looking for: Female

Meeting before trip: In person

Languages: English, Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu

Accommodation: Hotels, Hostels

Getting around: Bus, Train

First visit: Yes

Work & Travel: No

Itinerary: Fixed


Places I want to see: Pondicherry Auroville, Old Lighthouse, Promenade Beach, Zero House, White Town, Pondicherry Botanical Garden, Mahe Beach, Saram China Market

Things I want to do: Pubs, Street foods, Depressed relief with walking & Photography.

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