I'm searching for a trip companion to Vietnam
(14. 12. - 4. 1. 25)

Hanoi -Ho Chi Minh -Phnom Pen -Angor Wat -Bangkok

14. 12. - 4. 1. 2025 (22 day trip)

VN flag Vietnam KH flag Cambodia TH flag Thailand

I am looking to travel to Riga for a week. I am also planning to attend a retreat for 4 nights ( Wed-Sun). https://baltictantrafestival.com I am checking to see if there are others who are interested.

Split costs: Yes

Budget: $1000 - $1500

Type of journey: City break, Other

Looking for: Female

Meeting before trip: Skype

Languages: English

Accommodation: Hotels, Hostels

Getting around: Bus, Plane

First visit: Yes

Work & Travel: No

Itinerary: Flexible


Places I want to see: I plan to travel along the coast of Vietnam and then travel in Cambodia by road. Approximately 1 week in each country. .

Things I want to do: Relaxing vacation, sightseeing

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