I'm seeking a travel buddy to Peru
(6. 4. - 20. 4. 24)


6. 4. - 20. 4. 2024 (15 day trip)

PE flag Peru

Macchu picchu - need to decide quickly as limited permits per day. April seems a good season for Peru

Split costs: No

Budget: $1500 - $2000

Type of journey: Other

Looking for: Female

Meeting before trip: In person

Languages: English, Hindi, Marathi

Accommodation: Hotels, Couchsurfing, Homestay, Campside, Hostels

Getting around: Boat, Bus, Canoeing-rafting, Car, Hiking, Plane, Train, Other

First visit: Yes

Work & Travel: No

Itinerary: Flexible


Places I want to see: Gallapegos, Australia-NZ, Spain, Portugal, Trans-Siberian railways (at least a segment of it),

Things I want to do: Sights and sounds, Treks (moderate to easy), sample the local food and wines, adventure activities where safe!

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