Guided Nature Safari in Parque Natural Spain
you can decide what to see and do, i will be your guide with lots of knowledge of wildlife, geology, fossils, culture and science
Split costs: Yes
Budget: $150 - $500
Type of journey: Other
Looking for: Any
Meeting before trip: None
Languages: Dutch, English
Accommodation: Other
Getting around: Car
First visit: No
Work & Travel: Yes
Itinerary: Flexible
Places I want to see: Alhambra, Mesquita, mountains, forests, lakes and rivers without tourists, eat with local friends, town festivals and rural markets and lots of gorgous vistas, wildflowers and wildlife closeup.
Things I want to do: Start in nature park Sierra de Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas. I have three beatiful lands and a simple house here and know all the hidden spots in this large nature reserve. We will see wildlife every day.
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