Road Trip by car to Italy and photography
30. 6. - 9. 7. 2023 (10 day trip)
Hi dude, I have 10 days off, and I want to do a small road trip around Austria, Italy (especially "Amalfi" city), and coming back from Switzerland and Germany. I'm living in Wroclaw, Poland; therefore, the start and end points will be in the same city. I had surgery in both knees; therefore, I'm not able to walk much. I'm quite lazy, and I'm going to travel by car, see landscapes while driving, do photography, and so on. I'm looking for an energetic person who loves photography and road trips. I'm not interested in visiting museums; I'm interested in talking about local people and foods and do relaxing activities.
Split costs: Yes
Budget: $500 - $1000
Type of journey: Backpacking, Beach, Other
Looking for: Female
Meeting before trip: In person
Languages: English
Accommodation: Hotels, Campside
Getting around: Car
First visit: Yes
Work & Travel: No
Itinerary: Flexible
Places I want to see: Vienna, hallstatt, Grossglockner High Alpine Road, Amalfi, Zurich e.g. It's not fixed, we can change it based on your recommendation.
Things I want to do: Road-trip, photography, food, socialize with local people, relaxing, swimming, drinking.
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