I'm seeking a travel companion to Vietnam
(6. 7. - 19. 8. 23)

East Asia

6. 7. - 19. 8. 2023 (45 day trip)

VN flag Vietnam KH flag Cambodia TH flag Thailand SG flag Singapore

I would love to find some fun like mind women to go on a trip with. Visiting a a few different places or even splitting it up and meeting up in one place. I’m between Airbnb and hotels. And travel wise I’m down for planes, boats, trains and buses or whatever is needed. I do like to have some type of plan but am fine with changes.

Split costs: Yes

Budget: $2000 +

Type of journey: Other

Looking for: Female

Meeting before trip: Skype

Languages: English

Accommodation: Hotels

Getting around: Other

First visit: Yes

Work & Travel: No

Itinerary: Flexible


Places I want to see: I’m leaving from Canada so I plan on visiting London first and hopefully Paris as well, about a 5-8 days then head down to Bangkok. I would to visit Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai, Ayutthaya, Phuket, Phi Phi. Eventually making my way to Singapore for a few days. And then off to Cambodia • Angkor Wat, Siem Reap and then Vietnam • Ha Long Bay, Cat Ba. Hanoi.

Things I want to do: I’m down to try anything at least once. I’m very much calm and laid back but also adventurous. I would love to go hiking, see some waterfalls, go swimming, do some meditation and yoga.

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