I'm searching for a trip partner to Thailand
(15. 7. - 23. 8. 18)

Thailand in July- August

15. 7. - 23. 8. 2018 (40 day trip)

TH flag Thailand

I want to visit Thailand in 40 days but I may pass the border to Laos in the slow boat. I am quite flexible with days and the places as do not want to plan my trip.

Split costs: Yes

Budget: $500 - $1000

Type of journey: Backpacking

Looking for: Female

Meeting before trip: None

Languages: English

Accommodation: Hostels

Getting around: Bus

First visit: Yes

Work & Travel: No

Itinerary: Flexible


Places I want to see: Bangkok, Ayutthaya¡, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Pai, Sukhothai, Krabi...

Things I want to do: Visit new places and have new experiences

Latest Comments



Are you exclusively looking for female companion ?


Thank u Saeed :)


I really like to travel Thailand but since you want go to the trip with ladies i just can say have good trip

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